

At the Prep, we allow the mission to lead the way and bring our mission to life.
通过活出福音的信息,圣. 约瑟夫's Prep strives to meet students and all citizens of the Prep where they are and works to create sustainable, 就是, 沉思, and active relationships with others and Jesus Christ.

  • 在日常生活中与基督相遇
  • To discover the personal call to live with Christ
  • 在与基督的关系中旅行
  • To build authentic community because of Christ

Cura Urbi -关爱城市

St. 约瑟夫’s Prep and the City of Philadelphia are intricately tied. 170多年来, the Prep has been nestled in the heart of the city, working to educate young boys who will become leaders in our world. In 1966, a terrible fire destroyed much of the school’s physical campus and the Jesuits who ran the Prep had a decision to make: leave the city to reestablish itself in the suburbs, or stay in a North Philadelphia neighborhood that was changing. Conventional wisdom said to leave but the Jesuits are anything but conventional. 他们选择留在17街和吉拉德街,现在, 50多年后, they look inspired as the school and city continue to be intertwined.


Our work is characterized by loyalty to the Church, 服务可用性, 和对基督崇高的爱.

冰球突破豪华版官网提供的教育有以下特点 ”看台personalis。” which means attention to the individual student and respect for the individual’s potential and pace in learning. Jesuit education is characterized by adaptability to individual differences and needs, as well as to wider needs determined by a reading of the signs of the times.

We routinely engage in the practice of discernment, an effort to choose wisely in worldly matters by striving to align personal and institutional choice with the will of God. 冰球突破豪华版官网与学生分享这种做法, helping them to choose wisely and well as they mature into men for and with others.


If you have a special intention you would like the school to pray for during our Morning Prayer, 请联系. 约翰 Dougherty 04 at jjdougherty@hyjl.net. A Book of Intentions and Remembrance is also located in the White Chapel.


Inspired by Ignatian Spirituality and sustained with the Sacramental Life of the Catholic Faith, the 任务 and Ministry Office strives to offer a variety of liturgical and spiritual opportunities to address the needs of everyone here at the Prep.

全年, 所有的学生, 教职员工, 父母, 家庭, 校友, and friends of the Prep have the opportunity to participate in liturgy and gather in prayer. 这包括庆祝圣餐, 修和圣事, 每天祈祷, 每周一次考试, and many other styles of prayer to further enrich the spiritual life of our school community.


从2022年10月到2023年5月, a dozen Prep colleagues took part in the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises.

“The graces of the Spiritual exercises are meant to inspire us to serve others.”
——牧师. Steve Surovick, S.J.宣教和事工高级主任

Through prayer and reflection participants were drawn into a deeper relationship with God. 夫人. 珍妮火星, 主厅经理和参与者, looks forward to influencing Prep students on Kairos or on service trips. “​I hope that I can share this experience with our students so that they can learn, 在更年轻的时候, that a relationship with God can grow and evolve.” 

在圣. 约瑟夫预备学校随时都有空.


是“冰球突破豪华版官网信仰的源泉和顶峰”," the 庆祝圣餐 is a foundational component for the spiritual life of our school. Once a month 所有的学生 and colleagues gather for a school-wide liturgy. 另外, daily mass or communion services are offered before the beginning of each school day in the White Chapel. Many 俱乐部, 体育, 校友 organizations, and other school groups seek to celebrate masses as well.

For a complete schedule of masses or if you are interested in holding a mass for your team, 活动, 或俱乐部, 请联系. 约翰 多尔蒂04 jjdougherty@hyjl.net.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available throughout the week, upon request. Our Jesuit priests are available to hear confessions from students, faculty, and staff. If you would like help setting up these times, please contact the 任务 & 部办公室.

Each of our class 撤退 offers an extended opportunity for our students to participate in 修和圣事. We will also offer select days during the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent for our school community to receive the sacrament.


在一年中的不同时间, various prayer opportunities such as Adoration, 的念珠, 赞美与敬拜, Lectio长诗, 灵读讨论小组, 小组信仰分享, 精神上的方向, and Ignatian Contemplation are offered to our students, 教职员工, 父母, 和校友. Advertisements for these opportunities are sent through email and posted around the school.

If you are interested in participating or would like to start a prayer group of your own, please contact the 任务 and Ministry Office. Our staff along with the 任务 and Ministry 领导 Board are eager to assist you in any way that we can.


你知道怎么做吗 “做白日梦"? 这样吧-想象自己是耶稣会士.

你知道吗,圣. 约瑟夫’s Prep is one of the Society of Jesus’ best producers of Jesuits? Currently the Prep has numerous 校友 in formation, plus several graduates who have recently been ordained? Take a minute 了解更多 about this vocation. 去 www.BeAJesuit.org 了解更多.

  • Jake Braithwaite, 2007届SJ
  • 牧师. Brendan Coffey, SJ '04
  • 牧师. 凯文休斯SJ '04
  • 牧师. Vincent Marchionni, SJ '04
  • 牧师. 比尔·伍迪,2007届学生


校友服务团(ASC) 是圣. 约瑟夫预备学校 alums who have recently graduated from college. Alums work in a variety of different jobs at the Prep and are assigned responsibilities in co-curriculars, 体育, 俱乐部, 撤退, 服务项目. 作为这份工作的回报, ASC members live in community together and receive housing and a stipend for food and other expenses.